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Items for Author "FANG, Yuan"

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Showing 6 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
23-Jan-2018 Highly available data interpolation (HADI) scheme for automated system in smart home environmentLI, Cheng; FANG, Yuan; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo
23-Jan-2018 Simple and proximate time model framework of cyber-physical systemsFANG, Yuan; LI, Cheng; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo
28-Aug-2018 Study of adaptive model predictive control for cyber-physical home systemsOOI, Sian En; FANG, Yuan; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo
23-Jan-2018 Study of predictive thermal comfort control for cyber-physical smart home systemOOI, Sian En; MAKINO, Yoshiki; FANG, Yuan; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo
Sep-2018 Towards machine learning of time task scheduling in cyber-physical systemsFANG, Yuan; OOI, Sian En; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo
14-Sep-2018 Towards smart lighting modeling of cyber physical systemsFANG, Yuan; OOI, Sian En; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo


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