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H24) (Jun.2012 - Mar.2013 >
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Title: | 3ω法を用いた熱伝導率測定装置の開発とBi-Te系熱電微粒子への応用 |
Authors: | 西野, 俊佑 |
Authors(alternative): | にしの, しゅんすけ |
Keywords: | 3ω法 3omega method 熱電変換 Thermoelectric 熱伝導率 Thermal conductivity |
Issue Date: | Mar-2013 |
Description: | Supervisor:小矢野幹夫 マテリアルサイエンス研究科 修士 |
Title(English): | Development of thermal conductivity measurement system by the 3omega method and application to Bi-Te based thermoelectric particles |
Authors(English): | Nishino, Shunsuke |
Language: | jpn |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10119/11259 |
Appears in Collections: | M-MS. 2012年度(H24) (Jun.2012 - Mar.2013)
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