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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16129

タイトル: MgO(210)ファセット面上に成長する高結晶性のPdナノワイヤ
著者: 水谷, 五郎
キーワード: MgO
発行日: 2018-07
出版者: 日本結晶成長学会
誌名: 日本結晶成長学会誌
巻: 45
号: 2
開始ページ: 45-2-06
DOI: 10.19009/jjacg.3-45-2-06
抄録: Here I review a recent work in our group on Pd nanowire fabrication on MgO(210) facetted templates by shadow deposition. The facetted template was prepared by homoepitaxial deposition of MgO of 150 nm thickness on MgO(210) substrate. Pd was deposited by electron bombardment with a glancing angle of 25 deg on the wider (100) terrace of the template. Moiré patterns of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of the samples show that the nanowires are highly crystalline on MgO(210) facetted template. Such effect was not observed on MgO(110) facetted template. I discuss the mechanism of the formation of the well-crystalline structure in the Pd nanowires. One candidate origin is nucleation of the Pd atoms at the step-like defects running perpendicular to the facet edges of the MgO template.
Rights: 水谷五郎, 日本結晶成長学会誌, 45(2), 2018, 45-2-06. DOI:10.19009/jjacg.3-45-2-06 本著作物は日本結晶成長学会の許可のもとに掲載するものです。This material is posted here with permission of the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16129
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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