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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/1618

Title: Zonal法を用いた3次元分岐管内流れの並列計算
Authors: 渡辺, 丈展
Authors(alternative): わたなべ, たけのぶ
Keywords: Zonal法, 並列計算, 領域分割法, 非圧縮性流体, MAC法
Zonal Method, Parallel Computing, Incompressible F
Issue Date: Mar-2002
Supervisor:松澤 照男
Title(English): A Parallel Computation in a 3D Bifurcation flow Using the Zonal Method
Authors(English): Watanabe, Takenobu
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/1618
Appears in Collections:M-IS. 2001年度(H13) (Jun.2001 - Mar.2002)

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