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2019年度 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16739

タイトル: High-throughput approach for establishing structure-performance relationship in Ziegler-Natta catalyzed olefin polymerization
著者: Chammingkwan, Patchanee
キーワード: high-throughput
Olefin polymerization
発行日: 1-Jun-2020
抄録: 本研究では独自に開発した並列反応装置を用い、Ziegler-Nattaオレフィン重合触媒の並列調製とその構造性能相関の解明に成功した。開発した反応装置は、担体(マグネシウムエトキシド)調製と触媒への変換をそれぞれ並列で実施可能な世界初の装置であり、再現性や粒子形態という観点から従来の方法と遜色の無い触媒サンプルを与えた。得られた触媒の化学組成、粒度分布、最高容積分布を様々な分析法によって定量化し、構造性能相関の解明に用いた。オレフィン重合触媒の複雑な構造性能相関を、多変量解析(線形重回帰分析)によって精度良く記述できることがわかった。研究成果の学術的意義や社会的意義: We developed the methodology to improve the throughput in generating a large data set of catalysts for discovering the structure-performance relationship in olefin polymerization. The outcome of the research provides a new technical concept which is useful for catalyst developments in the industry. : In this research, the application of a high-throughput approach using in-house developed parallel reactor systems for the synthesis of Ziegler-Natta catalysts was successfully demonstrated, aiming at unveiling the quantitative structure-performance relationship in olefin polymerization. The developed systems enabled the parallel synthesis of magnesium ethoxide as a support material and catalysts with the excellent reproducibility and particle quality for the first time. The obtained catalysts were parameterized by means of various characterization techniques. Due to the complexity of the catalyst structure, it was found that the performance of the catalyst was hardly explained on the basis of one-to-one relation. On the other hand, the statistical analysis based on the multiple linear regression model reasonably explained the performance with adequate prediction ability.
記述: 若手研究(B)
言語: eng
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16739
出現コレクション:2019年度 (FY 2019)


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