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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/18023

タイトル: Structure and properties of fiber-reinforced polypropylene prepared by direct incorporation of aqueous solution of poly(vinyl alcohol)
著者: Nishikawa, Riho
Aridome, Norifumi
Ojima, Naoki
Yamaguchi, Masayuki
キーワード: Poly(vinyl alcohol)
Fiber-reinforced polymer
Mechanical property
発行日: 2020-05-14
出版者: Elsevier
誌名: Polymer
巻: 199
開始ページ: 122566
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2020.122566
抄録: Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is immiscible with most conventional plastics and also unsuitable for melt processing owing to its extensive hydrogen bonding. Therefore, there have been few studies concerning the melt-mixing of PVA with standard plastics. The present paper describes a novel technique for producing isotactic polypropylene (PP) composites containing PVA fibers by directly introducing an aqueous solution of PVA into molten PP from an injection nozzle in a twin-screw extruder having a wide venting port. The PVA fibers were found to be dispersed homogeneously in the composites obtained by this method. Furthermore, an injection-molded product made from this composite exhibited an increased modulus, high yield strength, and high heat distortion temperature. These properties are attributed to the significant degree of orientation of both the PP chains and the PVA fibers. The nucleating action of the PVA fibers oriented in the flow direction is responsible for the structure of the composite, which in turn results in attractive properties.
Rights: Copyright (C)2020, Elsevier. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/] NOTICE: This is the author's version of a work accepted for publication by Elsevier. Riho Nishikawa, Norifumi Aridome, Naoki Ojima, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Polymer, 199, 2020, 122566, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2020.122566
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/18023
資料タイプ: author
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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