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H14) (Jun.2002 - Mar.2003 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/2144

Title: 塩の添加と部位特異的変異体によるレチノクロムの構造変化の研究
Authors: 武森, 信暁
Authors(alternative): たけもり, のぶあき
Keywords: レチノクロム, 塩効果, 部位特異的変異体
Retinochrome, Salts effect, Site-directed Mutagene
Issue Date: Jun-2002
Supervisor:辻本 和雄
Title(English): Studies on Conformational Changes of Retinochrome upon Addition of Salts and Site-directed Mutagenesis
Authors(English): Takemori, Nobuaki
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/2144
Appears in Collections:D-MS. 2002年度(H14) (Jun.2002 - Mar.2003)

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