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H09) (Jun.1997 - Mar.1998 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/2526

Title: ZrNiAl型金属間化合物の窒化物の作製
Authors: 中村, 宗祐
Authors(alternative): なかむら, そうすけ
Keywords: 窒化物、ZrNiAl、X線回折
Nitride, ZrNiAl, XRD
Issue Date: Mar-1998
Supervisor:栗栖 牧生
Title(English): Synthesis of ZrNiAl-type intermetallic compound nitrides
Authors(English): Nakamura, Sousuke
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/2526
Appears in Collections:M-MS. 1997年度(H09) (Jun.1997 - Mar.1998)

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