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H13) (Jun.2001 - Mar.2002 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/2986

Title: Zn_4Sb_3化合物の高圧力下の輸送現象
Authors: 田中, 哲史
Authors(alternative): たなか, てつし
Keywords: Zn_4Sb_3化合物,構造相転移, 静水圧力, 電気抵抗率, 熱電能
Zn_4Sb_3 compound, structural phase transition, hy
Issue Date: Mar-2002
Supervisor:栗栖 牧生
Title(English): Transport properties of Zn_4Sb_3 compound under high pressure
Authors(English): Tanaka, Tetsushi
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/2986
Appears in Collections:M-MS. 2001年度(H13) (Jun.2001 - Mar.2002)

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