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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3902

タイトル: A Visual Measurement of Decision Consensus -An Idea Derived from GAE
著者: Yuntao, Bai
Yifei, Mu
Youmin, Xi
キーワード: GAE
Decision Consensus
発行日: Nov-2005
出版者: JAIST Press
抄録: It is widely known that the knowledge era has arrived that is changing our work and life styles. New network technology provides us valuable ways to solve the difficult and ambiguous problems. Design In GSS pattern, GAE integrates the frameworks of HWMSE and knowledge creating model to facilitate idea generation process, and it is regarded as a convergent process-idea generation which is the first step of MSA (meta-synthesis system approach) to complex problem solving. To enlarge the use of GAE, the evaluation values of experts’ keywords are added to illustrate both arguments and evaluation values on three-dimension snapshots, and based on the three-dimension snapshot, a two-dimension focuses snapshot is proposed to facilitate the decision process by focusing the discussing on the differences of the opinions, which may enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of decision. A measurement of decision consensus derived from GAE is also provided. At last, system realization will be expected later.
記述: The original publication is available at JAIST Press http://www.jaist.ac.jp/library/jaist-press/index.html
IFSR 2005 : Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research : The New Roles of Systems Sciences For a Knowledge-based Society : Nov. 14-17, 2112, Kobe, Japan
Symposium 4, Session 5 : Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems Knowledge Creation and Transfer
言語: ENG
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3902
ISBN: 4-903092-02-X
出現コレクション:IFSR 2005


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