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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3946

タイトル: Agent Based Modeling and Simulation of Meta Game of Learning with Two Levels of Learning
著者: Utomo, Sarjono Putro
Santi, Novani
Pri, Hermawan
キーワード: Meta game of Learning
Agent based
発行日: Nov-2005
出版者: JAIST Press
抄録: Learning refers to concerted activity that increases the capacity and willingness of individuals or groups to acquire and productively apply new knowledge and skills, to grow and mature and to adapt successfully to changes and challenges. Learning is a process of invention and repair from mistake. Everyone can become a learner and learn from the other. Learning is interactive, that is interaction between agents in system, especially in formal education. In the previous research, the interaction is modeled by Meta Game of Learning, which appears after iterated prisoner's dilemma. Learning certainly includes academic studies and occupational training through high school and beyond. But it also encompasses the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. Meta game of Learning is a model that involves the interaction between two agents, i.e., teacher and student in the classroom. In this model, teacher has two choices, “give a hard or easy question”; and student has also two choices, “give the respond with a right or wrong answer”. These terms correspond loosely to Cooperate and Defect. In the Meta game of Learning, when hard question are answered correctly, the learner is learning, i.e., the result of mutual cooperation on the part of both agents. Interaction that happens at a particular formal education system has the character of dynamic. This paper studies about Meta game of learning; in which of the teacher can pose to the student either hard or easy question and student can respond with either try learning or not try. First, the interaction is modeled by Meta game of learning. Then, it proposes a learning model which involves two interactions, i.e., an interaction between teacher and students; and the other one is among students (i.e., team based learning) by using an agent based simulation approach. The response a student chooses depends on a number of internal attributes there is ability that determines the relative ease with which the student learns new concept; motivation that determines, in part, the likelihood of cooperation; in general, a high value for motivation is commensurate with cooperation and emotion that represents the student's emotional state, or relative happiness, contentment, etc. Finally, it answers the following questions: Is team discussion learning better than individually test learning?
記述: The original publication is available at JAIST Press http://www.jaist.ac.jp/library/jaist-press/index.html
IFSR 2005 : Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research : The New Roles of Systems Sciences For a Knowledge-based Society : Nov. 14-17, 2156, Kobe, Japan
Symposium 2, Session 8 : Creation of Agent-Based Social Systems Sciences Agent-based Applications (2)
言語: ENG
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3946
ISBN: 4-903092-02-X
出現コレクション:IFSR 2005


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