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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4522

タイトル: Direct detection of H atoms in the catalytic chemical vapor deposition of the SiH_4/H_2 system
著者: Umemoto, Hironobu
Ohara, Kentaro
Morita, Daisuke
Nozaki, Yoshitaka
Masuda, Atsushi
Matsumura, Hideki
発行日: 2002-02-01
出版者: American Institute of Physics
誌名: Journal of Applied Physics
巻: 91
号: 3
開始ページ: 1650
終了ページ: 1656
DOI: 10.1063/1.1428800
抄録: The absolute densities of H atoms produced in catalytic chemical vapor deposition (Cat-CVD or hot-wire CVD) processes were determined by employing two-photon laser-induced fluorescence and vacuum ultraviolet absorption techniques. The H-atom density in the gas phase increases exponentially with increases in the catalyzer temperature in the presence of pure H_2. When the catalyzer temperature was 2200 K, the absolute density in the presence of 5.6 Pa of H_2 (150 sccm in flow rate) was as high as 1.5×10^<14> cm^<-3> at a point 10 cm from the catalyzer. This density is one or two orders of magnitude higher than those observed in typical plasma-enhanced chemical vapor-deposition processes. The H-atom density decreases sharply with the addition of SiH_4. When 0.1 Pa of SiH_4 was added, the steady-state density decreased to 7×10^<12> cm^<-3>. This sharp decrease can primarily be ascribed to the loss processes on chamber walls.
Rights: Copyright 2002 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Hironobu Umemoto, Kentaro Ohara, Daisuke Morita, Yoshitaka Nozaki, Atsushi Masuda, Hideki Matsumura, Journal of Applied Physics, 91(3), 1650-1656 (2002) and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?JAPIAU/91/1650/1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4522
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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