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タイトル: Structural phase transition in the ammoniated alkali C_<60> compound (NH_3)K_3C_<60>
著者: Ishii, Kenji
Watanuki, Tetsu
Fujiwara, Akihiko
Suematsu, Hiroyoshi
Iwasa, Yoshihiro
Shimoda, Hideo
Mitani, Tadaoki
Nakao, Hironori
Fujii, Yasuhiko
Murakami, Youichi
Kawada, Hajime
発行日: 1999-02-01
出版者: American Physical Society
誌名: Physical Review B
巻: 59
号: 6
開始ページ: 3956
終了ページ: 3960
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.3956
抄録: X-ray diffraction measurements of (NH_3)K_3C_60 have revealed a structural phase transition at T_s=150 K, which is attributed to the orientational order-disorder transition of the K-NH_3 pair at the octahedral site of the C_60 lattice. The low-temperature phase has a face-centered-orthorhombic structure derived by doubling the unit lattice vectors of the high-temperature phase along three axes. The superlattice intensity increases continuously below T_s, which means that the transition is second order. At 100 K<T<T_s, a negative thermal expansion is observed along the a and b axes. This is closely related to the contraction of K-N interatomic distance. We also discuss the relation between the superconductivity and the local symmetry of C_60 in the crystal.
Rights: K. Ishii, T. Watanuki, A. Fujiwara, H. Suematsu, Y. Iwasa, H. Shimoda, T. Mitani, H. Nakao, Y. Fujii, Y. Murakami, H. Kawada, Physical Review B, 59(6), 1999, 3956-3960. Copyright 1999 by the American Physical Society. http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v59/p3956
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4600
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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