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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4749

タイトル: Optical second harmonic intensity images of hydrogen deficiency on H-Si(111) surfaces
著者: Miyauchi, Y.
Sano, H.
Mizutani, G.
キーワード: Second harmonic generation
Desorption induced by photon stimulation
Surface melting
Thermal desorption
SHG microscope
Hydrogen molecule
発行日: 2006
出版者: 日本表面科学会
誌名: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
巻: 4
開始ページ: 105
終了ページ: 109
DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2006.105
抄録: In order to obtain the spatial distribution of hydrogen desorption by ultraviolet (UV) laser pulses from a hydrogen terminated Si (H-Si) surface, optical second harmonic (SH) intensity images of the surface have been observed in ultra high vacuum. The observed SH signal included both contributions of the hydrogen deficiency on the H-Si surface and the surface damage. The spatial distribution of the hydrogen deficiency has been obtained from the difference between the SH intensity images before and after the hydrogen re-termination. The hydrogen desorption occurred above the threshold fluence of ~40 mJ/cm^2, and the total amount of the hydrogen desorption increased monotonically as a function of the UV laser pulse energy. It is suggested that the observed hydrogen desorption may have resulted from the laser induced thermal desorption (LITD) mechanism.
Rights: Copyright (c) 2006 社団法人 日本表面科学会. Y. Miyauchi, H. Sano and G. Mizutani, e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. Vol. 4, p.105 (2006) . 本著作物の著作権は日本表面科学会に帰属します。本著作物は著作権者である日本表面科学会の許可のもとに掲載するものです。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4749
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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