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タイトル: Design of high-performance holographic gratings using siloxane-containing mesogenic compounds
著者: Kawakami, Yusuke
He, Man
Cho, Yeong Hee
キーワード: holography
phase separation
atomic force microscopy
scanning electron microscopy
発行日: 2006
出版者: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
誌名: Pure and Applied Chemistry
巻: 78
号: 10
開始ページ: 1835
終了ページ: 1842
DOI: 10.1351/pac200678101835
抄録: Fine holographic gratings were fabricated using siloxane- and mesogen-containing compounds. A grating with 40 % diffraction efficiency was formed with 10 wt % non-liquid-crystalline 4-methoxyphenyl 4-[4-(pentamethyldisiloxanyl)butoxy]benzoate and trimethylolpropane triacrylate. 4-Methoxyphenyl 4-[4-(1,1,3,3,5,5,5-heptamethyltrisiloxan-1-yl)butoxy]-benzoate gave 50 % diffraction efficiency and angular selectivity of 5°. Siloxane-containing liquid-crystalline compounds were also effective in fabricating fine gratings. These compounds induced distinct phase separation over a concentration range from 6 to 20 wt % in the formation of holographic gratings. The use of ring-opening polymerizable bifunctional epoxides as one of the reactive cross-linking matrix components, together with penta- or tetra-acrylate initiated by 3,3'-carbonylbis(7-diethylaminocoumarin)diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate, greatly improved the diffraction efficiency. Fine gratings with 70 and 78 % diffraction efficiency and angular selectivity of 5° were formed with 10 wt % 4-cyano-4'-[(5-heptamethyltrisiloxan-1-yl)pentyloxy]-biphenyl and 4-cyanophenyl 4-[(5-heptamethyltrisiloxan-1-yl)pentyloxy]benzoate using pentaerythritol pentaacrylate-neopentylglycol diglycidyl ether-tripropylene glycol diacrylate (4:5:1) as the polymer matrix component.
Rights: Copyright (C) 2006 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Yusuke Kawakami, Man He, and Yeong Hee Cho, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 78(10), 2006, 1835-1842.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/7900
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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