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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/8546

タイトル: Optical second-harmonic spectroscopy of Au(887) and Au(443) surfaces
著者: Maeda, Yojiro
Iwai, Tetsuya
Fujii, Keishi
Miyatake, Shigeru
Miyazaki, Daisuke
Mizutani, Goro
発行日: 2008-08-27
出版者: American Physical Society
誌名: Physical Review B
巻: 78
号: 7
開始ページ: 075440-1
終了ページ: 075440-7
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.075440
抄録: In order to investigate the electronic states of step sites on Au surfaces, we have observed the reflected optical second-harmonic (SH) intensity from Au(887) and Au(443) surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum with a normal incident excitation light beam, as a function of the photon energy and the incident and SH light polarizations. The second-order surface nonlinear susceptibility elements observed in this measurement configuration were X^<(2)>_<xxx'>, X^<(2)>_<xyy'> and X^<(2)>_<yxy'>, where x and y are defined as the [112^^-] and [1^^-10] directions, respectively. The step edges lie in the y direction. The ratios of the nonlinear susceptibility elements |X^<(2)>_<xyy>|/|X^<(2)>_<xxx>| and |X^<(2)>_<yxy>|/|X^<(2)>_<xxx>| were different on the two surfaces in the photon energy range from 2ħω=2.5 to 3.3 eV. The deviation of the SH response from that of an ideal 3m symmetric Au(111) surface was found to be larger for the Au(443) surface than for the Au(887) surface. This deviation is attributed to the atomic steps created by the miscut of the samples. In order to analyze the observed SH spectra, we calculated the electronic states of a Au(554) slab using a density-functional theory. We found that the low-energy onset of the SH intensity caused by the steps can be qualitatively interpreted by referring to the calculated partial density of the d-electronic states of the step and terrace atoms on the Au slab.
Rights: Yojiro Maeda, Tetsuya Iwai, Yoshihiko Satake, Keishi Fujii, Shigeru Miyatake, Daisuke Miyazaki, Goro Mizutani, Physical Review B, 78(7), 2008, 075440. Copyright 2008 by the American Physical Society. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.78.075440
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/8546
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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