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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9195

タイトル: Anomalous molecular orientation of isotactic polypropylene sheet containing N,N′-dicyclohexyl-2,6-naphthalenedicarboxamide
著者: Yamaguchi, Masayuki
Fukui, Takashi
Okamoto, Kenzo
Sasaki, Shintaro
Uchiyama, Yohei
Ueoka, Chiaki
キーワード: Polypropylene
X-ray Diffraction
Mechanical Properties
発行日: 2009-01-20
出版者: Elsevier
誌名: Polymer
巻: 50
号: 6
開始ページ: 1497
終了ページ: 1504
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2009.01.033
抄録: Small amount of N,N′-dicyclohexyl-2,6-naphthalenedicarboxamide as a β-form nucleating agent is dissolved beyond 280 °C in a molten isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and appears as needle crystals around at 240 °C during cooling procedure. Further, iPP molecules crystallize on the surface of the needle crystals, in which c-axis of the β-form iPP crystals grows perpendicular to the long axis of the needle crystals. Under flow field at extrusion processing, the needle crystals orient to the flow direction prior to the crystallization of iPP. As a result, c-axis of the β-form iPP crystals orients perpendicular to the applied flow direction with a small amount of α-form iPP. Moreover, the vertical molecular orientation of the extruded sheet sample is responsible for unique mechanical anisotropy; the fracture occurs along the transversal direction.
Rights: NOTICE: This is the author's version of a work accepted for publication by Elsevier. Masayuki Yamaguchi, Takashi Fukui, Kenzo Okamoto, Shintaro Sasaki, Yohei Uchiyama, Chiaki Ueoka, Polymer, 50(6), 2009, 1497-1504, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2009.01.033
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9195
資料タイプ: author
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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