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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9643

タイトル: Modeling the Educational System using Service-Oriented Modeling and Aspect-Oriented Technology
著者: Nguyen, Thi Hong Nhung
著者(別表記): ぐえん, てぃほんにゅん
キーワード: Educational System
Service-Oriented Modeling
Aspect-Oriented Technology
Business Process Modeling
発行日: Mar-2011
抄録: All schools provide many services to the students. Some schools have simple educational systems, but some others have quite complex systems where there are so many services and they are heavily related to each other. Such type of educational systems do not support for students to be able to easily find and choose services which are suitable for them. Besides, another problem is the modifiability of the educational system. Almost every year the school’s curriculum is revised, so it is better to have a modifiable structure for the system. Therefore, our aim is to organize the services as a single model which is more understandable and useful for the students and modifiable for the schools. In this research, we take the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) educational system (JES) as an example, analyze the system, model the services through Service-Oriented Modeling and deal with relationship between services as well as crosscutting concerns by Aspect-Oriented Technology.
記述: Supervisor: Koichiro Ochimizu
タイトル(英語): Modeling the Educational System using Service-Oriented Modeling and Aspect-Oriented Technology
著者(英語): Nguyen, Thi Hong Nhung
言語: eng
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9643
出現コレクション:M-IS. 2010年度(H22) (Jun.2010 - Mar.2011)


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