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著者:  "Nakamori, Y."

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タイトル順ソート 日付順ソート

6 著者名表示.

発行日タイトル 著者
2002 A context model for constructing membership functions of fuzzy concepts based on modal logicHuynh, V.N.; Nakamori, Y.; Ho, T.B.; Resconi, G.
Sep-2002 A parametric representation of linguistic hedges in Zadeh's fuzzy logicHuynh, V. N.; Ho, T. B.; Nakamori, Y.
2004 A new approach to belief modelingHuynh, V.N.; Nakamori, Y.; Murai, T.; Ho, T.B.
22-Mar-2004 A context model for fuzzy concept analysis based upon modal logicHuynh, V. N.; Nakamori, Y.; Ho, T. B.; Resconi, G.
Mar-2005 A context-dependent knowledge model for evaluation of regional environmentKawano, S.; Huynh, V. N.; Ryoke, M.; Nakamori, Y.
16-May-2009 Modeling technology adoptions for sustainable development under increasing returns, uncertainty, and heterogeneous agentsMa, T.; Grubler, A.; Nakamori, Y.


お問合せ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係 (ir-sys[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp)