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Huynh Nam Van(ヒュン ナム ヤン)教授研究者総覧

51 A parametric representation of linguistic hedges in Zadeh's fuzzy logic / Huynh, V. N., Ho, T. B., Nakamori, Y., International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 30(3), pp.203-223, 2002-09, Elsevier
52 An algebraic approach to linguistic hedges in Zadeh's fuzzy logic / Nguyen, Ho C., Huynh, V. Nam, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 129(2), pp.229-254, 2002-07-16, Elsevier
53 A context model for constructing membership functions of fuzzy concepts based on modal logic / Huynh, V.N., Nakamori, Y., Ho, T.B., Resconi, G., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2284, pp.167-204, 2002, Springer

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