JAIST Repository >
Browsing by Date
Showing items 21-41 of 18093.
Date of Issue | Title |
Authors |
Sep-2024 | Softlabel Classification for Multimodal Sentiment Estimation using Multiple Third-party Annotations | 趙, 振; ちょう, しん |
Sep-2024 | 光活性足場材料を利用した 複合細菌培養法の創出と 癌免疫療法への展開 | 宮原, 弥夏子; みやはら, みかこ |
Sep-2024 | Adversarial Noise for CAPTCHA Solver Protection | 井上, 寛章; いのうえ, ひろあき |
Sep-2024 | [課題研究報告]時系列データをもとにした需要予測モデルの推定精度の比較とモデル選定基準についての調査研究 | 南, 栄一; みなみ, えいいち |
Sep-2024 | カーディフ市に見るウェールズ語の言語景観: 二言語表記の浸透度合いとその効果 | 渡辺, 丈起; わたなべ, たけゆき |
Sep-2024 | 繰り返される組織不祥事の発生メカニズム──システム・シンキングによる公益事業会社A社の事例分析── | 高橋, 康朗; たかはし, やすあき |
Sep-2024 | Migrating Code Across Languages: Leveraging LLMs for Programming Language Translation | Nguyen, Hoang Minh Cong; ぐえん, ほあん みん こん |
Sep-2024 | Music Emotion Recognition through Multi-Path Feature Fusion based on Vision Transformer | 徐, 子林; じょ, しりん |
Sep-2024 | An Effective Framework for Legal Entailment Retrieval with Large Language Models and Optimal Transport | TRAN, Thanh Cong ; とらん, たん こん |
Sep-2024 | A Real-Time Semantic-Aware Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Nguyen Canh, Thanh; ぐえん かん, たん |
Sep-2024 | BtoBプラットフォーム・エコシステムの構築促進 ―金属地金情報共有プラットフォームの事例研究― | 鳥山, 尚士; とりやま, ひさお |
Sep-2024 | Efficacy of Novel Cationic Polymer-coated MgO Nanoparticles as Anticancer Drug Candidate | SHAHID, Muhammad Hunain; しゃひど, むはんまど ふないん |
Sep-2024 | Machine learning-aided structure determination of the heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalyst: insight into donor adsorption | da Silveira, João Marcos; だ しるべいら, じょあん まるこす |
19-Aug-2024 | Wall-Sticking Drone for Non-Destructive Inspection of Oblique Planes | Zhou, Menglong; An, Zhi; Chong, Nak Young |
26-Jul-2024 | Safety-optimized Strategy for Grasp Detection in High-clutter Scenarios | Li, Chenghao; Zhou, Peiwen; Chong, Nak Young |
26-Jul-2024 | 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 共有計算サーバ使用成果報告 2023 | 本郷, 研太; 宮下, 夏苗; 井口, 寧 |
15-Jul-2024 | Practical Short-Length Coding Schemes for Binary Distributed Hypothesis Testing | Dupraz, Elsa; Adamou, Ismaila Salihou; Asvadi, Reza; Matsumoto, Tad |
9-Jul-2024 | A Distributed Sensor-based Recursive Framework for DoA Estimation and Geolocation | Jiang, Lei; Keerativoranan, Nopphon; Matsumoto, Tad; Takada, Jun-ichi |
Jul-2024 | Assessing Self-Disclosure Willingness in Metaverse-Based Structured Group Encounter | Kawakita, Teru; Kanai, Hideaki |
22-Jun-2024 | Oracle Bone Character Generation with Diffusion Models | Xie, Xiaoxuan; Du, Xusheng; Li, Minhao; Xie, Haoran |
22-Jun-2024 | Retrieval-Augmented Multi-Floor Building Image Generation | Wang, Zhengyang; Jin, Hao; Xie, Haoran |