発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
2003 | Anonymity-enhanced Pseudonym System | Tamura, Yuko; Miyaji, Atsuko |
1-Feb-2020 | Anonymization Technique based on SGD Matrix Factrization | Mimoto, Tomoaki; Hidano, Seira; Kiyomoto, Shinsaku; Miyaji, Atsuko |
2000 | An anonymous auction protocol with a single non-trusted center using binary trees | Omote, Kazumasa; Miyaji, Atsuko |
2010 | An Anonymous Designated Verifier Signature Scheme with Revocation: How to Protect a Company's Reputation | Emura, Keita; Miyaji, Atsuko ; Omote, Kazumasa |
Aug-2001 | An Anonymous Sealed-bid Auction with a Feature of Entertainment | Omote, Kazumasa; Miyaji, Atsuko |
28-Nov-2006 | Anonymous stabilizing leader election using a network sequencer | Wiesmann, Matthias; Defago, Xavier |
May-2007 | Anonymous Stabilizing Leader Election using a Network Sequencer | Wiesmann, Matthias; Defago, Xavier |
Nov-1997 | Another Countermeasure to Forgeries over Message Recovery Signature | MIYAJI, Atsuko |
Sep-2006 | Ant-Based Mobile Agent Approach for Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Optical Networks | Ngo, Son Hong |
Nov-2005 | Ant-based Text Clustering Using Semantic Similarity Measure: Progress Report and First Stage Experiment | Haoxiang, Xia; Shuguang, Wang; Zhaoguo, Xuan; Yoshida, Taketoshi; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Apr-2007 | Antenna Doping: A Countermeasure Against MIMO Spatial Correlation | Kai, Yen; Karjalainen, J.; Matsumoto, T. |
2005 | Antenna-by-Antenna and Joint-over-Antenna MIMO Signal Detection Techniques for Turbo-Coded SC/MMSE Frequency Domain Equalization | Karjalainen, J.; Kansanea, K.; Veselinovic, N.; Matsumoto, T. |
Sep-2013 | Antichain algorithm, its theory and applications | Techaveerapong, Pakorn; テイシャウィーラポン, パコーン |
19-Mar-2012 | Any Monotone Function is Realized by Interlocked Polygons | Demaine, Erik D.; Demaine, Martin L.; Uehara, Ryuhei |
24-Oct-1998 | APEC地域における研究者交流の実態 | 三上, 喜貴; 藤末, 健三 |
Mar-2008 | Aphanothece sacrumからの新構造糖鎖の抽出と機能性材料の開発 | 宮里, 真司; みやざと, しんじ |
Mar-2009 | Aphanothece sacrum由来フィコビリプロテインの抽出・単離とその光機能材料への応用 | 明石, 健宏; あかし, たけひろ |
Mar-2010 | Aphanothece sacrum由来フィコビリプロテインの抽出・精製と色素複合体の調製 | 濱口, 麿耶; はまぐち, まろや |
2010 | Apollon13: A Training System for Emergency Situations in a Piano Performance | Yokoyama, Yuki; Nishimoto, Kazushi |
Mar-2002 | appearance ベースとmodel ベースによる眼鏡顔画像からの眼鏡なし顔画像の推定 | 齋藤, 康之; さいとう, やすゆき |
Sep-2014 | Application of Active Learning to Strategy Prediction in Real-time Strategy Game | 王, 康 |