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検索結果: 111-131 / 18404.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Sep-2007 6眼のインターアクションを内包した知識の再構成プロセス―A企業内研究チームにおける研究開発活動の事例研究―吉永, 崇史; よしなが, たかし
1-Apr-2006 7.インターネットやWWWのトモグラフィー : Scale-Freeネットワークのサンプリング(<小特集>インターネットとアルゴリズム)林, 幸雄; HAYASHI, Yukio
1-Nov-1999 90年代の日本企業における研究開発のグローバル化の分析 : 電気機器と医薬品のケース山田, 晃央; 宮崎, 久美子
Mar-2018 a-Si/c-Siヘテロ接合太陽電池へのBoron Cat-dopingの応用秋山, 勝哉; あきやま, かつや
Sep-2004 Ab initio calculation of optical second harmonic generation at the rutile TiO_2(110) surfaceSano, H; Mizutani, G; Wolf, W; Podloucky, R
4-Nov-2015 Ab initio calculations of the optical properties of crystalline and liquid InSbSano, Haruyuki; Mizutani, Goro
Sep-2017 Abbreviation disambiguation in EMRs clinical narrativesOuankhamchan, Phetnidda; おうあんかむちゃん, ふぇとにだ
22-Nov-2023 Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation Based on Feature Pyramid Network and Spatial Recurrent Neural NetworkSong, Yuhan; Elibol, Armagan; Chong, Nak Young
28-Aug-2013 Absolute second order nonlinear susceptibility of Pt nanowire arrays on MgO faceted substrates with various cross-sectional shapesOgata, Yoichi; Mizutani, Goro
22-Sep-2009 Abstraction of programs in PML (Pointer Manipulation Language)Takahashi, Koichi; Tanabe, Yoshinori; Sekizawa, Toshifusa; Yuasa, Yoshifumi
Jun-2017 Abstractive Text Summarization Using Deep LearningTran, Chien Xuan; ちゃん, ちえん すあん
Mar-2006 ABSによる「イノベーションのジレンマ」モデルの構築岸田, 一輝; きしだ, かずき
Jun-2014 AC-KBO RevisitedYamada, Akihisa; Winkler, Sarah; Hirokawa, Nao; Middeldorp, Aart
2012 Accelerated UCT and Its Application to Two-Player GamesHashimoto, Junichi; Kishimoto, Akihiro; Yoshizoe, Kazuki; Ikeda, Kokolo
Sep-2020 Accelerating bit-based finite automaton on a GPGPU deviceVu, Kien Chi; ぶ, きえん ち 
Mar-2020 Accelerating Human Reaction in Virtual Reality Using Electrical Muscle Stimulation葛, 瀚陽; かつ, かんよう
22-Oct-2005 Acceleration of Global Innovation through Tacit Knowledge-based Small NetworkKuwahara, Yutaka
17-Jun-2011 An Accompaniment System for Healing Emotions of Patients with Dementia who Repeat Stereotypical UtterancesOshima, Chika; Itou, Naoki; Nishimoto, Kazushi; Hosoi, Naohito; Yasuda, Kiyoshi; Nakayama, Koichi
Mar-2014 Acculturation in Context: Knowledge Sharing Through Ubiquitous TechnologiesCook, Steven Alan
6-Oct-2021 Accumulation of Sulfonic Acid Groups Anchored in Covalent Organic Frameworks as an Intrinsic Proton-Conducting ElectrolyteZhai, Lipeng; Yao, Yuze; Ma, Baiwei; Hasan, Md. Mahmudul; Han, Yuxi; Mi, Liwei; Nagao, Yuki; Li, Zhongping
7-May-2012 Accumulator-assisted Distributed Turbo Codes for Relay Systems Exploiting Source-Relay CorrelationAnwar, Khoirul; Matsumoto, Tad
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