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検索結果: 4271-4291 / 18060.

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発行日タイトル 著者
27-Oct-2007 Risk Management in Outsourcing Service Industry : Suggestions from a portfolio analysis of India's case(English Session)趙, 偉琳; 渡辺, 千仭
Oct-2017 A risk model for indoor environment safetyYang, Zhengguo; Lim, Yuto; Tan, Yasuo
28-Oct-2017 RISTEXにおける共創的研究開発プログラムの評価安藤, 二香; 田原, 敬一郎
Mar-1998 RNiSn(R=Pr,Nd,Tb) の単結晶育成と物性評価原, 麗子; はら, れいこ
Nov-2007 A Road Mapping Approach for Research Cooperation among Academia Industry and GovernmentYan, Jie; Ma, Tieju; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
15-Oct-2004 Roadmapping : a Promising Practice for Developing Core Competence through Collective LearningWang, Lei; Kameoka, Akio; Ikawa, Yasuo; Li, Meng
2007 Roadmapping and i -SystemsMa, Tieju; Yan, Hongbin; Nakamori, Yoshiteru
Mar-2017 Robot Emotion Representation Activated by Visual Images and MemoriesDang, Quyen Thi Le; だん, くえん てぃ れ
Nov-2019 Robot Social Emotional Development through Memory RetrievalBui, Ha-Duong; Dang, Thi Le Quyen; Chong, Nak Young
2004 Robots on Self-Organizing Knowledge NetworksChong, Nak Young; Hongu, Hiroshi; Miyazaki, Manabu; Takemura, Koji; Ohara, Kenichi; Ohba, Kohtaro; Hirai, Shigeoki; Tanie, Kazuo
Mar-2003 Robust and Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Bit GenerationMpho, Tjabane
Mar-2016 Robust Content-based Image Hash Functions Using Nested Lattice CodesNguyen Xuan, Thanh
Jan-2009 Robust DOA estimation and target docking for mobile robotsKim, Myungsik; Nak Young, Chong; Yu, Wonpil
Dec-2007 A Robust Fingerprint Indexing Scheme Using Minutia Neighborhood Structure and Low-Order Delaunay TrianglesLiang, Xuefeng; Bishnu, A; Asano, T
24-Sep-2008 Robust front end processing for speech recognition in reverberant environments: Utilization of speech characteristicsPetrick, Rico; Lu, Xugang; Unoki, Masashi; Akagi, Masato; Hoffmann, Ruediger
Sep-2014 Robust gait recognition using adaptive random depth subspace from depth information屈, えん; クツ, エン
6-Dec-2012 Robust pseudo virtual passive dynamic walking with control of swing-leg retractionAsano, Fumihiko
Aug-2007 Robust Self-Deployment for a Swarm of Autonomous Mobile Robots with Limited Visibility RangeLee, Geunho; Chong, Nak Young; Defago, Xavier
Jun-2013 Robust synthesis of Polyethylene block polystyrene(PE-b-PS) block copolymers using ARGET-ATRP (Activators Regenerated by electron transfer-Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization)JAIN, Kamiya
21-Aug-1997 Robust visual servo control of planar manipulators under the eye-in-hand configurationsMaruyama, Akira; Fujita, Masayuki
19-Jan-1996 Robustness of robot programs generated by genetic programmingIto, Takuya; Iba, Hitoshi; Kimura, Masayuki; 伊藤, 拓也; 伊庭, 斉志; 木村, 正行; イトウ, タクヤ; イバ, ヒトシ; キムラ, マサユキ
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