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検索結果: 5529-5549 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Jun-2014 | Well-Structured Pushdown System: Case of Dense Timed Pushdown Automata | Cai, Xiaojuan; Ogawa, Mizuhito |
8-Jan-2013 | Well-Structured Pushdown Systems, Part 1: Decidable Classes for Coverability | Cai, Xiaojuan; Ogawa, Mizuhito |
19-Aug-2013 | Well-Structured Pushdown Systems, Part 2: On Reachability of Dense Timed Pushdown Automata | Ogawa, Mizuhito; Cai, Xiaojuan |
24-Oct-2009 | WEPAN(米国) : Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network | 吉祥, 瑞枝 |
13-Nov-2014 | Wetting effect on optical sum frequency generation (SFG) spectra of d-glucose, d-fructose, and sucrose | Hieu, Hoang Chi; Li, Hongyan; Miyauchi, Yoshihiro; Mizutani, Goro; Fujita, Naoko; Nakamura, Yasunori |
Mar-2004 | Wetオゾン法により形成したSi酸化膜の膜質特性 | 西尾, 真一; にしお, しんいち |
21-Dec-2001 | Wevelet変換を用いた顔画像の特徴解析に関する研究 : JPEG2000システムにおける顔画像認識システムの基礎検討 | 金森, 証; 小谷, 一孔; Kanamori, Akira; Kotani, Kazunori; カナモリ, アキラ; コタニ, カズノリ |
Sep-2009 | When Existing and Emerging Disciplines Meet: Library and Information Science vs Knowledge Management | Roknuzzaman, Md. |
9-Jul-2023 | Where Does the Attribute Framing Effect Arise If a Pie Chart is Given Along With a Verbal Description? | Takamune, Kaede; Nishimoto, Kazushi; Takashima, Kentaro |
23-Feb-2018 | Where is a line between work and play? | Iida, Hiroyuki |
2015 | Which types of learning make a simple game complex? | Hidaka, Shohei; Torii, Takuma; Masumi, Akira |
27-Oct-2007 | Who will be the Frontier in Next Software Outsourcing? : A comparative analysis between Indian and China focusing on their institutional systems(English Session) | 趙, 偉琳; 渡辺, 千仭 |
26-Oct-2019 | Why disruptive inclusive innovation (DII) is necessary for reaching SDGs? What are the features of eco-system for the new pathway towards sustainable development? | Iizuka, Michiko; Hane, Gerald |
Mar-2010 | Wikipedia 記事再編集支援のための履歴可視化システム | 塩谷, 圭甫; しおや, けいすけ |
Nov-2005 | Will Systems Work? A search for models for the 21^<st> century | Gary, Metcalf; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Oct-2010 | Windowsサーバ環境更新による端末の展開について | 間藤, 真人 |
26-Oct-2024 | WIPO知財新条約からみる、伝統知識保護とグローバルサウス : 我が国の対応を考える | 駒谷, 剛志 |
Mar-1997 | Wire-Tap通信路において秘密伝送を可能にする線形ブロック符号の構成法 | 大塚, 哲治; おおつか, てつじ |
6-Oct-2006 | Wireless LAN emulation | Beuran, Razvan; Nguyen, Lan Tien; Latt, Khin Thida; Nakata, Junya; Shinoda, Yoichi |
Oct-2012 | Wireless Mesh Networks Allowing Intra-Link Errors: CEO Problem Viewpoint | He, Xin; Zhou, Xiaobo; Anwar, Khoirul; Matsumoto, Tad |
30-Oct-2021 | Withコロナの経済回復に地域資源の活用で挑戦する | 西原, 一嘉; 三木, 基実; 大槻, 眞一 |