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検索結果: 4089-4109 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
21-Apr-2012 Proton transport property of Nafion thin films on MgO(100) with anisotropic molecular structureNagao, Yuki
28-Jul-2017 Proton-Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin FilmsNagao, Yuki
2014 A Provable Secure Batch Authentication Scheme for EPCGen2 TagsChen, Jiageng; Miyaji, Atsuko; Su, Chunhua
Aug-2002 Provably Secure Multi-signature Scheme with Signers' IntentionsKawauchi, Kei; Minato, Hiroshi; Miyaji, Atsuko; Tada, Mitsuru
7-Nov-2003 Providing "Ba" for the Interaction between Global Needs and Seeds Holders for InnovationKuwahara, Yutaka
24-Jul-2002 Providing a framework for conflict resolutionSchroeter, Kirsten; Sung, Shao Chin
2005 Proving Properties of Incremental Merkle TreesOgawa, Mizuhito; Horita, Eiichi; Ono, Satoshi
22-Sep-2009 Proving Properties of Incremental Merkle TreesOgawa, Mizuhito; Horita, Eiichi; Ono, Satoshi
Aug-2012 Proxyシステム上埜, 元嗣
Jan-2004 Pseudo approximation algorithms with applications to optimal motion planningAsano, Tetsuo; Kirkpatrick, David; Yap, Chee
Mar-2013 PSFを用いた画像ボケ特性の表現とボケ画像の主観的な好ましさに関する研究池田, 佑策; いけだ, ゆうさく
23-Sep-2008 Psychoacoustically-motivated adaptive β-order generalized spectral subtraction based on data-driven optimizationLi, Junfeng; Jiang, Hui; Akagi, Masato
Apr-2009 Psychoacoustically-motivated adaptive β-order generalized spectral subtraction for cochlear implant patientsLi, Junfeng; Fu, Qian-Jie; Jiang, Hui; Akagi, Masato
Nov-2005 Psychometric Evaluation with Correlation for Multiple PerceptionsHayashi, Hidehiko; Nakagawa, Masao; Nakayasu, Hidetoshi; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
9-Oct-2010 PT(Personal Transportation)市場創出の可能性についての考察 : Segwayの発明とこれまでの普及事例から矢野, 博之
Mar-2005 Pt-CN-Co 錯体ナノ微粒子を前駆体としたPtCo 合金ナノ微粒子への変換アプローチ前阪, 将之; まえさか, まさゆき
Mar-2024 Pt/Ir ナノ粒子を修飾したデュアル機能剝離アセチレンブラックのリチウム空気電池への応用周, 立航; しゅう, りつこう
May-2018 A PTDOA-DRSS Hybrid Factor Graph-based Unknown Radio Wave GeolocationKarimah, Shofiyati Nur; Aziz, Muhammad Reza Kahar; Matsumoto, Tad
Sep-2021 Ptolemaic graphの効率のよい列挙アルゴリズムの研究銭, 夢澤; せん, むたく
Mar-2007 Ptolemaic Graph上の最長路問題に関する研究高原, 祥浩; たかはら, よしひろ
Mar-2013 Ptナノワイヤーにおける断面形状と2次の非線形光学効果の相関の研究尾形, 洋一; おがた, よういち
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お問合せ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係 (ir-sys[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp)