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検索結果: 3667-3687 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
24-Jul-2013 | Ontological characterization of functions: Perspectives for capturing functions and modeling guidelines | Kitamura, Yoshinobu; Mizoguchi, Riichiro |
2013 | Ontological Model of Abnormal States and its Application in the Medical Domain | Yamagata, Yuki; Kou, Hiroko; Kozaki, Kouji; Mizoguchi, Riichiro; Imai, Takeshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko |
21-May-2014 | An ontological modeling approach for abnormal states and its application in the medical domain | Yamagata, Yuki; Kozaki, Kouji; Imai, Takeshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko; Mizoguchi, Riichiro |
Jul-2013 | Ontology Exploration Tool for Social, Economic and Environmental Development | Kozaki, Kouji; Kumazawa, Terukazu; Saito, Osamu; Mizoguchi, Riichiro |
2012 | An Ontology of Gene | Masuya, Hiroshi; Mizoguchi, Riichiro |
Nov-2005 | An Ontology-based Knowledge Matching Algorithm for the Strategic Study | Zhihao, Shang; Lili, Rong; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Mar-2013 | An Ontology-based Representation Framework for Clarifying Design Intention of Meta-level Thinking Skills Education Program | Wei, Chen; Wei, Chen |
13-Mar-2009 | Ontology‐aware Course Management for Curriculum Evolution Process in Higher Education | Lu, Wenhuan |
Sep-2013 | OOV用語処理に基づく翻訳,情報抽出,クロスランゲージ情報検索に関する研究 | 区, 建; く, けん |
9-Oct-2010 | Open Innovation in Robotic Software : Pattern and Implications | XIE, Zhongquan; MIYAZAKI, Kumiko |
27-Oct-2007 | Open Source Softwareとインターネットの共進メカニズム : 不特定多数の集合知によるイノベーション・マネジメント(技術経営(2),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会) | 村岡, 洋旭; 渡辺, 千仭 |
26-Oct-2024 | OpenAlexで見る米中国際共著関係の様相 | 北島, 謙生; 小柴, 等 |
26-Oct-2024 | OpenAlexを用いた国際共著実態可視化システムの構築と分析例 | 小柴, 等; 佐々木, 達郎; 北島, 謙生 |
Mar-2012 | OpenCVに基づく顔の検出に関する技術の調査と実験 | 徐, 成偉; じょ, せいい |
Sep-2015 | OpenFlow技術のホームネットワークへの適用に関する研究 [課題研究報告書] | 迫田, 紘志; さこだ, ひろし |
24-Oct-2009 | Openization, Standardization and Diversification in the Case of Robotics Software Sector in Japan | XIE, Zhongquan; MIYAZAKI, Kumiko |
10-Oct-1995 | Operating system servers for continuous media on a microkernel-based Real-Time operating system | Nakajima, Tatsuo; Tezuka, Hiroshi; 中島, 達夫; 手塚, 宏史; ナカジマ, タツオ; テズカ, ヒロシ |
16-Mar-2006 | Optical absorption of semiconducting and metallic nanospheres with the confined electron-phonon coupling | J. D. Lee |
2-Nov-2012 | Optical Anisotropy in Solution-Cast Film of Cellulose Triacetate | Songsurang, Kultida; Miyagawa, Azusa; Abd Manaf, Mohd Edeerozey; Phulkerd, Panitha; Nobukawa, Shogo; Yamaguchi, Masayuki |
Apr-2003 | Optical properties of 4 A^^○ single-walled carbon nanotubes inside the zeolite channels studied from first principles calculations | Yang, X.P.; Weng, H.M.; Dong, Jinming |
3-Mar-2012 | Optical properties of polymer blends composed of Poly(methyl methacrylate) and Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer | Takahashi, Shuji; Okada, Hiroaki; Nobukawa, Shogo; Yamaguchi, Masayuki |