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80-1. CGEIアニュアルレポート 2010 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/10545

タイトル: 4つの教育ポリシー&ガイドラインを基盤としたJAISTにおける国際的質保証に向けた提案
その他のタイトル: JAIST Four Education Policies and Guideline : Proposal toward Quality Assurance under the Global Environment
著者: 岡本, 吉央
著者(別表記): Okamoto, Yoshio
キーワード: 大学院教育の質保証
発行日: Jul-2011
出版者: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 大学院教育イニシアティブセンター
抄録: A proposal is described for establishment of JAIST Four Education Policies and Guidelines, They consist of (1) Admission Policy and Guidelines, ( 2) Curriculum Policy and Guidelines, (3) Supervision Policy and Guidelines, and (4) Graduation Policy and Guidelines. This follows ideas noted in a report from Central Council for Education, Japan, announced in January 2011, and should help to make the whole education system of JAIST more explicit, clearer, more accessible, and more structured. Each of them corresponds to a constituent of the education system, but this classification or division makes the internal structures of the education system more transparent so that the assessment can be made easier and more feasible. These policies and guidelines should take the globalization into account. The establishment should be done by first collecting all the relevant information in JAIST, and then classifying into the four categories above. Further research on quality assurance should be taken into account, when the improvement is started to be considered.
記述: Ⅱ.活動報告 / Center Activities, (2) 質保証枠組みの方策 / Some ways for Quality assurance framework
言語: jpn
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/10545
出現コレクション:80-1. CGEIアニュアルレポート 2010 (CGEI Annual Report 2010)


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お問合せ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係 (ir-sys[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp)