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80-1. CGEIアニュアルレポート 2010 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/10547

タイトル: JAISTにおけるeポートフォリオ構築の検討
その他のタイトル: Establishment of e-Portfolio in JAIST
著者: 鍋田, 智広
著者(別表記): NABETA, Tomohiro
キーワード: 高等教育
発行日: Jul-2011
出版者: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 大学院教育イニシアティブセンター
抄録: In higher education it has long been questioned how the universities assure quality of their education. In this line, recently it has been suggested that an e-portfolio system can play an important role on the quality assurance by facilitating education in course work, career development, self-requlated learning and so on. However, the graduate school is less likely to conduct an e-portfolio system than the undergraduate school. This is because of difference between educations in graduate and in undergraduate schools. The education in graduate school is conducted mainly with research in laboratory while the education in undergraduate school is conducted mainly with course work. Specifically, as research in laboratory consisted of many kinds of activities, it is difficult to apply an e-portfolio to research activities in laboratory. The present article aimed to propose applying the e-portfolio system to JAIST for the quality assurance. To do this, firstly, the present article discussed on the concept about education in graduate schools. And then, this report surveyed on the educational situations in JAIST from difference perspectives of the stakeholders (i.e.,faculties, students in master's cours, students in doctor's cours, and adult students). As a result, the present report suggested four functions that the e-portfolio system ran provide with JAIST. Firstly, it helps the faculties to monitor the process of study of their students. Secondly, it helps the students to organize the knowledge acquired in coursework. Thirdly, it helps the students to cultivate thinking logically and critically. Lastly, it helps the students and faculties to identify them as a member of JAIST.
記述: Ⅱ.活動報告 / Center Activities, (4) eポートフォリオ構築の検討 / Establishment of e-Portfolio
言語: jpn
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/10547
出現コレクション:80-1. CGEIアニュアルレポート 2010 (CGEI Annual Report 2010)


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お問合せ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係 (ir-sys[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp)