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タイトル: Topological Similarity of Motor Coordination in Rhythmic Movements
著者: Hidaka, Shohei
Fujinami, Tsutomu
キーワード: Actions Recognition
Motor Coordination
Dynamical Systems
Invariant Measures
発行日: 2013
出版者: Cognitive Science Society
誌名: Proceedings of The Thirty Fifth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society
開始ページ: 2548
終了ページ: 2553
抄録: Recognition of motion is vitally important to any animal. Vision research has proposed a number of algorithms applicable to action recognition. However, unlike successes in early visual perception, the past studies have not yet established the computational theory of action recognition. In the present study, we employ a dynamical systems approach and hypothesize that motions are encoded cognitively as a topological structure abstracted from physical particulars. We investigated whether a common topological nature could be found in a type of rhythmic movement. The topological nature of action dynamics showed a striking similarity, which could not have been identified with other analyses where physical properties were retained. The result suggests that the dynamical perspective serves as a theoretical basis in studying complex human movements.
Rights: Copyright (C) 2013 Authors. Shohei Hidaka, Tsutomu Fujinami, Proceedings of The Thirty Fifth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2013, 2548-2553.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/11463
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:a11-1. 会議発表論文 (Conference Papers)


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