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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/11518

Title: 大学院教育の質保証フレームワーク策定までの道程
Other Titles: The Process for the Establishment of Quality Assurance Framework of Graduate Education
Authors: 林, 透
Authors(alternative): HAYASHI, Toru
Keywords: 大学院教育の質保証
Issue Date: Sep-2013
Publisher: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 大学院教育イニシアティブセンター
Abstract: At the time of preparation of Center Graduate Education Initiative(CGEI) , we were interested in only the purpose and roadmap of 3 units. Through the implementation of CGEI tasks, we proposed the detail purpose, Quality Assurance Framework of Graduate Education. In 2013, we have succeeded to establish 4 policies and completed the framework. For the next step, we have to focus on the improvement of learning goals at the coursework and laboratory education. It is good chances to redesign the advanced educational system in JAIST.
Description: Ⅱ.活動報告 / Center Activities, (2) 質保証枠組みの方策 / Some ways for Quality assurance framework
Language: jpn
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/11518
Appears in Collections:80-3. CGEIアニュアルレポート 2012 (CGEI Annual Report 2012)

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