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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/13792

タイトル: Assessment on Feasibility, Achievability, and Limits
著者: Zhou, Xiaobo
Yi, Na
He, Xin
Hou, Jiancao
Matsumoto, Tad
Szott, Szymon
Gonz´ales, Diana
Wolf, Albrecht
Matth´e, Maximilian
K¨uhlmorgen, Sebastian
Adigun, Olayinka
キーワード: links-on-the-fly
distributed lossless/lossy source coding
Shannon’s lossy source/channel separation theorem
achievable rate region
outage probability
発行日: Apr-2015
出版者: EU FP7 RESCUE project
抄録: In this deliverable some preliminary results on the achievable rate region and performance limit analysis of RESCUE system are presented. Based on the input of Task 1.1, we first identify four simple scenario assumptions, referred to as toy scenarios, that are suitable for evaluation of the links-on-the-fly concept. The underline supporting theories for the links-on-the-fly concept, including distributed lossless/lossy coding theorems and Shannon’s lossy source/channel separation theorem are then introduced briefly. The achievable rate region, outage probability and/or error rate of the four toy scenarios are analyzed in details based on the supporting theories. The baselines of different protocol layers for the performance comparison with RESCUE system are also summarized. It is shown that with the links-on-the-fly concept, significant performance gains can be achieved.
言語: eng
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/13792
出現コレクション:b80-1. その他の教育研究活動関連資料 (Other results of education and research)


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お問合せ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係 (ir-sys[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp)