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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/13794

タイトル: Report of Wireless Access & Multiple Antenna Technologies
著者: Wolf, Albrecht
Festag, Andreas
Hou, Jiancao
Yi, Na
Hussain, Iqbal
Jiang, Weiwei
Matsumoto, Tad
He, Jiguang
キーワード: links-on-the-fly
distributed lossless/lossy source coding
multi-user multi-way relay network
random beamforming
error propagation effects
diversity-multiplexing tradeoff
coded random access
出版者: EU FP7 RESCUE project
抄録: In this deliverable, we address several aspects related to physical transmission and medium accessfor the links-on-the-fly concept. After a brief review of lossy forwarding and RESCUE requirements on the physical and medium access control layers, we present three parts: First, we study multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) beamforming to improve system reliability and spectrum efficiency in the context of lossy forwarding, specifically a MIMO multi-relay system with random beamforming and limited feedback.The approach exploits link correlation information in order to mitigate error propagation effects. Twouser scheduling strategies are proposed and assessed by means of theoretical and numerical analysis. Second, we consider the relay network of toy scenario 1 as a virtual multiple-input single-output (MISO) system. Then, we evaluate the performance by employing lossy forwarding and investigate the tradeoff between high communication reliability (diversity gain) on the one side and high throughput for a fixed reliabilitylevel (multiplexing gain) on the other side. We compare the lossy forwarding scheme with the conventional decode-and-forward scheme in terms of diversity and multiplexing gain by means of theoretical and numerical analysis. Third, we extend the RESCUE system to a general multi-user multi-way relay network. Based on this model, we explore the use of coded random access as a promising wireless access technique and develop a framework that allows to investigate the combination of lossy forwarding and the coded random access schemes.
言語: eng
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/13794
出現コレクション:b80-1. その他の教育研究活動関連資料 (Other results of education and research)


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