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2018年度 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16031

タイトル: Germanene on Insulators: Towards the realization of a 2D topological insulator
その他のタイトル: Germanene on Insulators: Towards the realization of a 2D topological insulator
著者: フロランス, アントワーヌ
著者(別表記): Fleurence, Antoine
キーワード: 2D materials
発行日: 5-Jun-2019
抄録: 基礎科学分野において,また,様々な応用へ向けて期待が高まるゲルマニウムでできた二次元材料の形成,特に,グラフェン様の蜂の巣格子を持つゲルマネンの形成を主な目的とした.二ホウ化ジルコニウム薄膜上に自発形成される二次元状 Geの構造は二つの三角格子からなり,この構造は電子状態フラットバンドを持つことが明らかとなった.また,二ホウ化ジルコニウム薄膜上シリセンにGeを蒸着して二次元SiGe混合層を形成し,バンド幅の制御を実験的に可能にした.その他,ゲルマネンとの格子整合性に優れ,電子状態への影響が少ないことが期待される基板としてInSeに着目し,Ge単結晶上への単結晶配向薄膜の成長に成功した. 研究成果の学術的意義や社会的意義: This project contributed to the development of two-dimensional materials which are of great interest for both applications and fundamental science as they possess novel properties and are solutions to scale down the dimensions of electronics components without increasing the heat dissipation. : This project was dedicated to the fabrication and the study of two dimensional materials made of germanium and having a high potential for various applications and fundamental science. Its main objective was the realization of germanene, a graphene-like honeycomb lattice. Among the Ge structures we investigated, a single Ge layer spontaneously forming on ZrB2 thin films was identified as a bi-triangular lattice. This Ge structure features a flat band in its band structure from which exotic properties are predicted to emerge. We also demonstrated the feasibility of a band structure engineering in two-dimensional SiGe alloys verified experimentally in the one we fabricated by depositing Ge atoms on silicene on ZrB2. The project also addressed the preparation of ideal substrates for the growth of germanene. Good quality (0001)-oriented InSe thin films were successfully grown on Ge(111), which may allow for the lattice-matching Van der Waals growth of free-standing-like germanene.
記述: 若手研究(B)
研究分野: 総合理工
言語: eng
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16031
出現コレクション:2018年度 (FY 2018)


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