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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16847

タイトル: 自然海岸率による瀬戸内海の改変のモニタリング
著者: 敷田, 麻実
キーワード: natural coast
Seto Inland Sea
coastal protection law
発行日: 1999-03
出版者: 日本沿岸域学会
誌名: 日本沿岸域学会論文集
巻: 11
開始ページ: 65
終了ページ: 72
抄録: The Seto Inland Sea area holds more than 30% of Japan's national industrial production. The area was also once well known as a scenic coastal area because of its calm weather and waves. However, the natural environment in the coastal zone has been seriously altered since Japan's high economic growth period because of industrial development and residential use. This study focuses on the alteration of the natural coast in the Seto Inland Sea area. Mechanisms of modification of the natural environment are investigated. The results indicate that the natural coast in the area has been seriously altered in the 1960's and is still suffering ongoing developments. It is also suggested that the decrease in natural coast occurred firstly in the areas needing protection as designated by the Ministry of Construction. Furthermore, landfills have been putting additional pressure on these modified coastlines as they appear to be easier to implement in previously modified areas.
Rights: 本著作物は日本沿岸域学会の許可のもとに掲載するものです。This material is posted here with permission of the Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies. Copyright (C) 1999 日本沿岸域学会. 敷田麻実, 日本沿岸域学会論文集, 11, 1999, pp.65-72.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/16847
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:a10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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