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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/18811

タイトル: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Formal Analysis and Verification of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Protocols (FAVPQC), 2023
著者: Escobar, Santiago
Otmani, Ayoub
Akleylek, Sedat
Ogata, Kazuhiro
発行日: 26-Feb-2024
出版者: JAIST Press
抄録: Post-quantum cryptographic protocols refer to those replacements of classical cryptographic protocols as a precaution against future attacks from quantum computers. This has been motivated by the fact that the public-key cryptosystems used today will be no longer secure under largescale quantum computers, which are promisingly becoming available in the near future because of the huge research and development investment. Significant efforts have been spent to standardize post-quantum cryptographic primitives and protocols, especially after the Post-quantum Cryptography Standardization Project started by NIST (https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/postquantum-cryptography). Therefore, security analysis/verification of those post-quantum cryptographic protocols is an important factor in the construction of final secure cryptosystems. FAVPQC is organized as an event for researchers all over the world to report and discuss research related to the above-mentioned issue. Following the previously successful FAVPQC 2022, in 2023, the second workshop has been held in Brisbane, Australia. The workshop is a satellite event of the 24th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2023). There were six papers submitted to the workshop and at least three reviewers who were PC members were assigned to each paper. Through the standard peer-review process, all six papers were accepted for presentation at the workshop. Five papers were presented physically at the venue, while one paper was presented online. The six papers are included in this volume. Note that any PC members (including PC co-chairs) who are co-authors of a paper was never involved in the peer-review process of the paper.
記述: The 2nd International Workshop on Formal Analysis and Verification of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Protocols (FAVPQC), 2023, Brisbane, Australia, November 21, 2023
言語: eng
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/18811
ISBN: 978-4-903092-62-1
出現コレクション:b70-1. JAIST PRESS 発行資料 (JAIST PRESS Articles)


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