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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3883

タイトル: Dichotomic Architectural Patterns in Systems Engineering
著者: Gerhard, Chroust
キーワード: System Design
dichotomic architectural pattern
design decisions
発行日: Nov-2005
出版者: JAIST Press
抄録: When conceptualizing a complex system, especially a socalled ’wicked system’, its designers have the problem to make initial architectural decisions without having sufficient in-depth information of the final consequences. Such decisions usually entail a choice between basic alternatives (called here dichotomic architectural patterns) like "centralized versus decentralized architecture", "optimistic versus pessimistic system behavior", etc. These decisions pre-define the basic system architecture and are very difficult to reverse later. Identifying and isolating these dichotomic architectural patterns and describing their basic properties allows to teach these principles. This helps system designers to understand their options and the resulting consequences for the envisioned system. In this paper we describe essential dichotomic architectural patterns and typical examples. We classify them according to underlying principles and discuss their commonalities.
記述: The original publication is available at JAIST Press http://www.jaist.ac.jp/library/jaist-press/index.html
IFSR 2005 : Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research : The New Roles of Systems Sciences For a Knowledge-based Society : Nov. 14-17, 2093, Kobe, Japan
Symposium 3, Session 4 : Intelligent Information Technology and Applications Models and Systems Engineering
言語: ENG
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3883
ISBN: 4-903092-02-X
出現コレクション:IFSR 2005


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