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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4908

タイトル: Toward a rule-based synthesis of emotional speech on linguistic description of perception
著者: Huang, Chun-Fang
Akagi, Masato
発行日: 2005
出版者: Springer
誌名: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
巻: 3784
開始ページ: 366
終了ページ: 373
DOI: 10.1007/11573548_47
抄録: This paper reports rules for morphing a voice to make it be perceived as containing various primitive features, for example, to make it sound more “bright” or “dark”. In a previous work we proposed a three-layered model, which contains emotional speech, primitive features, and acoustic features, for the perception of emotional speech. By experiments and acoustic analysis, we built the relationships between the three layers and reported that such relationships are significant. Then, a bottom-up method was adopted in order to verify the relationships. That is, we morphed (resynthesized) a speech voice by composing acoustic features in the bottommost layer to produce a voice in which listeners could perceive a single or multiple primitive features, which could be further perceived as different categories of emotion. The intermediate results show that the relationships of the model built in previous work are valid.
Rights: This is the author-created version of Springer, Chun-Fang Huang and Masato Akagi, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3784, 2005, 366-373. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11573548_47
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4908
資料タイプ: author
出現コレクション:b10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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