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著者:  "Hayashibara, Naohiro"

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7 著者名表示.

発行日タイトル 著者
6-Oct-2003 Implementaion and Performance Analysis of the φ-Failure DetectorHayashibara, Naohiro; Defago, Xavier; Katayama, Takuya
25-Feb-2004 Flexible failure detection with k-FDHayashibara, Naohiro; Defago, Xavier; Katayama, Takuya
30-Mar-2004 Performance comparison of a rotating coordinator and a leader based consensus algorithmUrban, Peter; Hayashibara, Naohiro; Schiper, Andre; Katayama, Takuya
10-May-2004 The φ accrual failure detectorHayashibara, Naohiro; Defago, Xavier; Yared, Rami; Katayama, Takuya
14-May-2004 On accrual failure detectorsDefago, Xavier; Urban, Peter; Hayashibara, Naohiro; Katayama, Takuya
4-Aug-2004 Performance comparison of a rotating coordinator and a leader based consensus algorithm (extended version)Urban, Peter; Hayashibara, Naohiro; Schiper, Andre; Katayama, Takuya
22-Mar-2005 Definition and specification of accrual failure detectorsDefago, Xavier; Urban, Peter; Hayashibara, Naohiro; Katayama, Takuya


お問い合わせ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係