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Research Report - School of Information Science : ISSN 0918-7553 >
IS-RR-1994 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/8366

タイトル: Automatic generation of digests for meeting announcements in the NetNews
著者: Sato, Madoka
Sato, Satoshi
Shinoda, Yoichi
発行日: 1994-07
出版者: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
誌名: Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
巻: IS-RR-94-0022I
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 9
抄録: Total amount of electronic text is already enormous now and computers provide remarkably good technologies of text editing and storing. However, as for text retrieval, there is no efficient means if the desire to information is not exact enough for the keyword retrieval. A new technology that provides navigative function and helps people acquire desired information is required now. In this study, we have developed a method of automatic generation of digests for the NetNews. A digest is a collection of summaries of original texts. Headlines of a newspaper, a table of contents of a magazine and summary on a back cover of book are all digests and work as navigators. We propose digests are the most appropriate as the navigator for the NetNews with consideration of the fact that readers are guided by above digests almost every time they reach to those printed materials and retrieve the desired information without much effort. Generation of digests for printed materials require certain degree of skills and a lot of time because all summarization, edition, and categorization processes are executed mainly by manual works. By contrast, automatic generation of digests is possible for the NetNews because the NetNews is electronic text. The main characteristics of the NetNews is made good use by automatic generation of digests. We concentrate on making digesting system for a newsgroup, fj.meetings that holds only "meeting announcement" and "call for paper" articles in both Japanese and English. The digesting system has two modules: MekeSummary and EdigDigest. In MakeSummary, we utilized expression patterns and distinctive document styles to extract information. The introduction of utilization of document styles contributes to obtaining high performance on summary extraction tasks without deep analysis of texts. MakeSummary has been evaluated on pre-examined and blind data and the result has demonstrated that the system is powerful enough in ability to accurately extract summaries. Adding more expression patterns could raise the performance easily. We believe that the experience of digesting the NetNews articles can be transplanted to other electronic text information also.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/8366
資料タイプ: publisher


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