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Technical memorandum - School of Information Science: ISSN 0918-7561  >
IS-TM-2007 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/8444

タイトル: Analysis of membership sharing in digital subscription services
著者: Xiang, Jianwen
Ogata, Kazuhiro
Futatsugi, Kokichi
発行日: 2007-03-16
出版者: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
誌名: Technical memorandum (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
巻: IS-TM-2007-005
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 26
抄録: A common problem to current digital subscription services is how to prevent membership (e.g., account and password) sharing beyond authorized consumers. Unlike traditional subscription services such as telephone examples, there are two main factors, namely access portability and identification transferability, which make sharing much easier and more efficient in a digital world. Moreover, there are a number of experiments and studies which disclose that both producers and consumers prefer subscription to pay-per-use to some extent with respect to digital goods, which means that we could not simply use pay-per-use as for the solution. In addition, current technical solutions and legal measures also encounter some difficulties to solve the membership sharing problem, such as how to detect the difference in the physical identity of the user. In this article, we first present a comprehensive analysis of the problem domain of sharing with respect to the aforementioned issues in terms of formal game theory and some corresponding technical, economic, and legal arguments. An incentives-based secrets protection system (IBSPS) is then proposed to encourage consumers to keep their memberships private rather than to share them among friends. Analysis of user's behavior and producer's revenue with IBSPS are also presented afterwards by introducing some corresponding utility functions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/8444
資料タイプ: publisher


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