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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9032

Title: 概念融合におけるデザイン思考過程に基づく創造性の研究
Other Titles: Research of Design Creativity in the Concept Blending
Authors: 永井, 由佳里
Authors(alternative): NAGAI, YUKARI
Keywords: 創造性
Issue Date: 10-Jun-2010
Abstract: 「人間は,どのようにして今までに存在しない新しい概念を創出しているのか?」という問いに向けて,デザイン創造における概念融合の位置づけの明確化と概念融合プロセスの体系化を行った。デザインタスクと解釈タスクの比較実験により,デザイン創造に関係すると指摘されてきた類推と比較し,主題的な関連付けと,整列不可能な差異性に着目した特徴への注目による概念融合がより高い独創的な産物の生成に寄与することが分かった. : The important question “how do we create a novel concept, which does not exist now?” has been discussed in design cognition studies for a long time. This research aimed to clarify the concept blending in design. This research aimed also to systematize the processes of the concept synthesis. We conducted a set of the experiments comparing design task and interpretation task. Based on the results of the experiments, we identified the concept blending as more effective than analogical reasoning in design. Further, we found out the recognition of “non-alignable difference” between the two base concepts enhances the creative design.
Description: 研究種目:基盤研究(C)
研究期間:2007 ~2009
Language: jpn
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9032
Appears in Collections:2009年度 (FY 2009)

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