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タイトル: Risk Factors of the Long Tail in Mobile Manga Sales
著者: Sugihara, Taro
Kobayashi, Yoshiya
Ikawa, Yasuo
キーワード: Long Tail
Mobile Manga
Internet Service
Mobile Phone
発行日: 2009-08
誌名: Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology, 2009. PICMET 2009.
開始ページ: 1807
終了ページ: 1811
DOI: 10.1109/PICMET.2009.5261950
抄録: After the Long Tail was proposed by Chris Anderson in 2004, people started believing his theory that internet services, such as Amazon.com, can achieve great success in retailing. Internet stores can sell enormous numbers of books, comics, CDs, and DVDs and make great profits through the reduction in distribution costs that is achieved through this medium. Despite the fact that mobile internet retail is on equal terms with retail through PCs, the properties and modes of usage of a mobile phone, which strongly influence the purchasing aspect, have not been considered as the Long Tail of mobile retail. In this paper, therefore, we have discussed whether the Long Tail of mobile internet retail is profitable, especially in connection with mobile manga sales. Three series of researches were conducted in this study: a Pareto analysis for mobile manga sales, two focus group and individual interviews on how to use and purchase mobile manga, and a field experiment to determine the influence of distributors’ recommender systems. The results we found were that whenusers searched for novel titles, they did not devote sufficient time toward retrieving the same and mostly depended on best seller rankings. We thus concluded that the Long Tail of mobile manga sales has few prospects of profitability.
Rights: Copyright (C) 2009 PICMET. Taro Sugihara, Yoshiya Kobayashi, Yasuo Ikawa, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology, 2009 (PICMET 2009), 2009, 1807-1811.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9097
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:a11-1. 会議発表論文 (Conference Papers)


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