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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9510

タイトル: A Timed-Release Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme and its Application to Fairly-Opened Multicast Communication
著者: Emura, Keita
Miyaji, Atsuko
Omote, Kazumasa
キーワード: Timed-Release Encryption
発行日: 2010
出版者: Springer
誌名: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
巻: 6402/2010
開始ページ: 200
終了ページ: 213
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16280-0_14
抄録: Timed-Release Encryption (TRE) (proposed by May in 1993)prevents even a legitimate recipient decrypting a iphertext before a semi-trusted Time Server (TS) sends trapdoor sT assigned with a release time T of the encryptor’s choice. Cathalo et al. (ICICS2005) and Chalkias et al. (ESORICS2007) have already considered encrypting a message intended to multiple recipients with the same release time.These schemes are efficient compared with previous TRE chemes with recipient-to-recipient encryption, since the most costly part (especially pairing computation) has only to be computed once, and this element is used commonly. One drawback of these schemes is the ciphertext size and computational complexity, which depend on the number of recipients N. In this paper, for the first time we propose Timed-Release Proxy Re-Encryption (TR-PRE) scheme. As in PRE, a semi-trusted proxy transforms a ciphertext under a particular public key (this can be regarded as a mailing list) into re-encrypted ciphertexts under each recipient (who can be regarded as mailing list members). Even if the proxy transformation is applied to a TRE ciphertext, the release time is still effective.An encryptor can transfer N-dependent computation parts to the proxy. This function can be applied to multicast communication with a release time indication. For example, in an on-line examination, an examiner sends encrypted e-mails to each examinee, and each examination can befairly opened at the same time. Our TR-PRE scheme is provably secure under both chosen-time period chosen-ciphertext attack (IND-CTCA) and replayable chosen-ciphertext attack (IND-RCCA) without random oracles.
Rights: This is the author-created version of Springer, Keita Emura, Atsuko Miyaji and Kazumasa Omote, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6402/2010, 2010, 200-213. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-16280-0_14
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9510
資料タイプ: author
出現コレクション:b10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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