JAIST Repository >
Items for Author "FAN, TIANWEN"
Showing 4 items.
Date of Issue | Title |
Authors |
1-Mar-2019 | 深層学習囲碁プログラムを用いた場合の手加減に関する研究 | Shi, Yuan; Fan, Tianwen; Li, Wanxiang; 池田, 心; Shi, Yuan; Fan, Tianwen; Li, Wanxiang; Ikeda, Kokolo |
1-Mar-2019 | 深層学習囲碁プログラムを用いた場合の手加減に関する研究 | Shi, Yuan; Fan, Tianwen; Li, Wanxiang; 池田, 心; Shi, Yuan; Fan, Tianwen; Li, Wanxiang; Ikeda, Kokolo |
21-Nov-2019 | Position Control and Production of Various Strategies for Deep Learning Go Programs | Fan, Tianwen; Shi, Yuan; Li, Wanxiang; Ikeda, Kokolo |
Mar-2021 | Position Control and Production of Various Strategies for Game of Go Using Deep Learning Methods | SHI, YUAN; FAN, TIANWEN; LI, WANXIANG; HSUEH, CHU-HSUAN; IKEDA, KOKOLO |