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鵜木 祐史(ウノキ マサシ)教授研究者総覧

51 Estimation of fundamental frequency of reverberant speech by utilizing complex cepstrum analysis / Unoki, Masashi, Hosorogiya, Toshihiro, Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), IS-RR-2007-008, pp.1-14, 2007-06-18, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
52 Hearing – From Sensory Processing to Perception: Estimates of tuning of auditory filter using simultaneous and forward notched-noise masking / Unoki, Masashi, Miyauchi, Ryota, Tan, Chin-Tuan, pp.19-26, 2007, Springer
53 Effect of ITD and component frequencies on perception of alarm signals in noisy environments / Nakanishi, Josaku, Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, Journal of Signal Processing, 10(4), pp.231-234, 2006-07, Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan(信号処理学会)
54 A Model-Concept of the Selective Sound Segregation : A Prototype Model for Selective Segregation of Target Instrument Sound from the Mixed Sound of Various Instruments / Unoki, Masashi, Kubo, Masaaki, Haniu, Atsushi, Akagi, Masato, Journal of signal processing : 信号処理, 10(6), pp.419-431, 2006, 信号処理学会
55 Estimate of auditory filter shape using notched-noise masking for various signal frequencies / Unoki, Masashi, Ito, Kazuhito, Ishimoto, Yuichi, Tan, Chin-Tuan, Acoustical science and technology, 27(1), pp.1-11, 2006, Acoustical Society of Japan(日本音響学会)
56 A Study on Restoration of Bone-Conducted Speech with MTF-Based and LP-Based Models / Thang, Tat Vu, Kimura, Kenji, Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, Journal of signal processing : 信号処理, 10(6), pp.407-417, 2006, 信号処理学会
57 Development of an F0 control model based on F0 dynamic characteristics for singing-voice synthesis / Saitou, Takeshi, Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, Speech Communication, 46, pp.405-417, 2005-07, Elsevier
58 残響音声からの基本周波数推定に関する検討 / 鵜木, 祐史, 石本, 祐一, 赤木, 正人, Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), IS-RR-2005-007, pp.1-27, 2005-03-28, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
59 Fundamental frequency estimation for noisy speech based on instantaneous amplitude and frequency / Ishimoto, Yuichi, Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), IS-RR-2005-006, pp.1-31, 2005-03-28, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
60 A speech dereverberation method based on the MTF concept in power envelope restoration / Unoki, Masashi, Sakata, Keigo, Furukawa, Masakazu, Akagi, Masato, Acoustical science and technology, 25(4), pp.243-254, 2004, Acoustical Society of Japan(日本音響学会)
61 An improved method based on the MTF concept for restoring the power envelope from a reverberant signal / Unoki, Masashi, Furukawa, Masakazu, Sakata, Keigo, Akagi, Masato, Acoustical science and technology, 25(4), pp.232-242, 2004, Acoustical Society of Japan(日本音響学会)
62 Enabling Society With Information Technology : Speech enhancement and segregation based on human auditory mechanisms / Akagi, Masato, Mizumachi, Mitsunori, Ishimoto, Yuichi, Unoki, Masashi, pp.186-196, 2002, Springer
63 Computational Models of Auditory Function : A computational model of co-modulation masking release / Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, pp.221-232, 2001, IOS Press
64 聴覚の情景解析に基づいた雑音下の調波複合音の一抽出法 / 鵜木, 祐史, 赤木, 正人, UNOKI, Masashi, AKAGI, Masato, 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, J82-A(10), pp.1497-1507, 1999-10-20, 電子情報通信学会
65 A method of signal extraction from noisy signal based on auditory scene analysis / Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, Speech Communication, 27(3-4), pp.261-279, 1999-04, Elsevier
66 ガンマチャープフィルタバンクの構築 / 鵜木, 祐史, 入野, 俊夫, 下平, 博, Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), IS-RR-98-0012P, pp.1-11, 1998-03-27, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
67 A computational model of co-modulation masking release / Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), IS-RR-98-0006P, pp.1-23, 1998-02-06, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
68 A method of signal extraction from noisy signal based on auditory scene analysis / Unoki, Masashi, Akagi, Masato, Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), IS-RR-98-0005P, pp.1-29, 1998-02-06, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
69 雑音が付加された波形からの信号波形の一抽出法 / 鵜木, 祐史, 赤木, 正人, UNOKI, Masashi, AKAGI, Masato, 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, J80-A(3), pp.444-453, 1997-03, 電子情報通信学会

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