発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Nov-2007 | An Approach to Implement A Trading Network Visualizing System for Internet Auctions | Kobayashi, Masao; Ito, Takayuki |
Nov-2007 | An Approach to Implementing A Threshold Adjusting Mechanism in Very Complex Negotiations : A Preliminary Result | Fujita, Katsuhide; Ito, Takayuki; Hattori, Hiromitsu; Klein, Mark |
2015 | An Approach to Quantifying Pokemon's Entertainment Impact with focus on Battle | Panumate, Chetprayoon; Xiong, Shuo; Iida, Hiroyuki |
27-Jun-2002 | Approach to scalable statistical text summarization | Nguyen, Minh Le; Horiguchi, Susumu |
Sep-2009 | An approach to search for parallel texts scattering across websites | PHAM, NGOC KHANH; ふぁむ, の かん |
Jun-2002 | An Approach to Support the Modeling and Usage of Analysis Patterns | 何, 非; か, ひ |
Nov-2005 | Appropriating Scientific Knowledge: Using and Providing Ultraviolet Ray Information in Japan | Boumsoung, Kim; Kato, Yoriko; Hiramatsu, Akio; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
1-Aug-2009 | Approximate Algorithm for Hybrid Model Predictive Control with Time-Varying Reference | Kobayashi, Koichi; Hiraishi, Kunihiko; Tang, Nguyen Van |
14-Mar-1995 | Approximating set cover via local improvements | Halldorsson, Magnus M. |
13-Feb-1993 | Approximating the chromatic sum of a graph | Halldorsson, Magnus M.; Radhakrishnan, Jaikumar |
13-Feb-1993 | Approximating the minimum maximal independence number | Halldorsson, Magnus M. |
14-Mar-1995 | Approximations via partitioning | Halldorsson, Magnus M. |
1-Feb-2011 | An approximative calculation of the fractal structure in self-similar tilings | Hayashi, Yukio |
5-Oct-2010 | APRAP: Another Privacy Preserving RFID Authentication Protocol | Miyaji, Atsuko; Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar |
Mar-2016 | APT攻撃を検知するためのファイルアクセスの記録と比較手法の研究 | 園田, 真人; そのだ, まこと |
4-Mar-2023 | Aqua Tambourine:カラオケの特性を考慮した伴奏用楽器 | 堀江, 歩; 西本, 一志; Ayumu Horie; Kazushi Nishimoto |
28-Feb-2024 | Aqua Tambourine:カラオケを盛り上げるための伴奏楽器の提案 | 堀江, 歩; 西本, 一志 |
28-Sep-2010 | Aqueous Synthesis and Characterization of Ag and Ag-Au Nanoparticles: Addressing Challenges in Size, Monodispersity, and Structure | Mott, Derrick; Thuy, Nguyen T. B.; Aoki, Yoshiya; Maenosono, Shinya |
Mar-2019 | Arabidopsis thalianaにおけるRNA編集関連ファミリータンパク質の組織特異的選択的スプライシングの研究 | Qulsum, Umme; くるさむ, うめ |
Sep-2010 | An architecture for non-stop upgrading of Web application | Hoang, Ha Manh |
2013 | Architecture for organizing context-aware data in smart home for activity recognition system | Wongpatikaseree, Konlakorn; Kim, Junsoo; Makino, Yoshiki; Lim, Azman Osman; Tan, Yasuo |