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検索結果: 4945-4965 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Mar-2005 Study on Roadmapping Process with Integration Methods for Supporting Scientific ResearchYAN, Jie; Kobayashi, Toshiya; Nakamori, Yoshiteru
Mar-2020 Study on Robust Voice Activity Detection Using CNN Encoder-decoder Based on MTF Concept Under Noisy Conditions李, 楠; り, なん
2014 Study on scramble method for speech signal by using random-bit shift of quantizationZhu, Zhi; Yamamoto, Katsuhiko; Unoki, Masashi; Aoki, Naofumi
Mar-2012 A Study on Secure and Efficient Scalar Multiplication on Elliptic Curves莫, 翌人; ばく, よくじん
Sep-2020 Study on Segment-level Effects of Gender, Nationality and Emotion Information on Text-independent Speaker VerificationLi, Kai; り, かい
2014 Study on semi-scramble method for speech signals based on phonemic restorationYamamoto, Katsuhiko; Zhu, Zhi; Unoki, Masashi; Aoki, Naofumi
Sep-2016 A study on sentiment classification with LSTM+GRNN and Sub-tree MiningChau, Ngoc Phuong; ちゃう, ごっく ふん
Mar-1999 A Study on Shamir's ( k.n ) Threshold Scheme田村, 裕子; たむら, ゆうこ
Mar-1996 Study on Side Chain Relaxation of Poly[p-(oligosiloxanyl)styrene]s by Solid State NMR.竹下, 浩介
Mar-2018 A Study on Similarity Measures for Categorical DataNguyen, Thanh Phu; ぐえん, たいん ふー
Dec-2021 Study on Simultaneous Estimation of Glottal Source and Vocal Tract Parameters by ARMAX-LF Model for Speech Analysis/SynthesisLi, Kai; Unoki, Masashi; Li, Yongwei; Dang, Jianwu; Akagi, Masato
12-Jun-2018 A Study on Social Context SummarizationNguyen, Minh Le; グエン, ミンレ
Sep-2015 A Study on Speaker Identification in Japanese Novels吉岡, 康平; よしおか, こうへい
Sep-2017 Study on speech fingerprints based on spikegram using sparse coding techniqueTran, Kim Dung; ちやん, きむ ずん
Mar-2023 Study on Speech Intelligibility Prediction Method for Hearing-Impaired ListenersBenita Angela, Titalim; べにた あんじぇら, ちたりむ
Mar-2011 A Study on Statistical Generation of a Hierarchical Structure of Topic-information for Multi-documentsNGUYEN, Viet Cuong
Mar-2023 A Study on Subjectivity-oriented Polarity ClassificationDong, Na; とう, な
1-Mar-2011 Study on suitable-architecture of IIR all-pass filter for digital-audio watermarking technique based on cochlear-delay characteristicsKOSUGI, Toshizo; HANIU, Atsushi; MIYAUCHI, Ryota; UNOKI, Masashi; AKAGI, Masato
Mar-2012 Study on Supervised Learning of Vietnamese Word Sense Disambiguation ClassifiersNguyen, Minh Hai; Shirai, Kiyoaki
Sep-2019 A Study on Supervised Learning Techniques for Social Media Text ClassificationNguyen, Dinh Thao; ぐえん, ぢいん たお
5-Nov-2016 Study on Survival of Supply Chain Startups in Indonesia using FinTech : Based on Real Options AnalysisWibowo, Fistyan Ikhsan; Fujiwara, Takao
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