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検索結果: 4925-4945 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Sep-2014 | Study on Post-processing Method for HMM-based Phonetic Segmentation using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference system | 董, 良; とう, りょう |
Sep-2012 | Study on power envelope subtracion based on modulation transfer function | LIU, Yang |
Sep-2012 | A Study on Practical Real-Time Task Scheduling | 尹, 傲彤; いん, あおとん |
Jul-2016 | Study on Quality Improvement of HMM-Based Synthesized Voices Using Asymmetric Bilinear Model | Dinh-Anh, Tuan; Morikawa, Daisuke; Akagi Masato |
Mar-2016 | A study on quality improvement of HMM-based synthesized voices using asymmetric bilinear model | Dinh-Anh, Tuan; Morikawa, Daisuke; Akagi, Masato |
Sep-2018 | A Study on Question Answering Using Relation Extraction and Textual Evidence | VUONG, Thi Hai Yen; ゔーん, てぃ はい いえん |
Mar-2022 | A Study on Real-time Scheduling of Deep Learning Tasks Based on Imprecise Computation Models | 雲, 澤新; ゆん, たくしん |
Mar-2011 | A Study on Recognition of Requisite Part and Effectuation Part in Law Sentences | Ngo, Bach Xuan; ごう, そぁん ばっく |
Mar-2019 | Study on Relations between Emotion Perception and Acoustic Features using Speech Morphing Techniques | 王, 梓; おう, し |
7-Mar-2019 | Study on Relations between Emotion Perception and Acoustic Features using Speech Morphing Techniques | Wang, Zi; Kobayashi, Maori; Akagi, Masato |
6-Mar-2019 | Study on Relationship between Degree of Emphasis and Acoustic Feature for Synthesizing Emphasized Speech | Ohtani, Yasuhiro; Akagi, Masato |
Mar-2022 | Study on relationship between modulation frequency range in temporal amplitude envelope and urgency perception of speech | 劉, 小婷; りゅう, しょうてい |
Mar-2013 | A Study on Relationship between Trace, Definition Field, Embedding Degree and Class Number | 史, 暁楠; し, しょうなん |
20-Feb-2020 | Study on relationship between warmness of speech and valence, activation or dominance | Miyagawa, Natsumi; Akagi, Masato |
Mar-2020 | A study on relationships between some subrecursive function classes and complexity classes [Project Paper] | 松山, 大輔; まつやま, だいすけ |
Mar-2016 | A study on remote management mechanism for M2M system | NGUYEN, Nam Hoang |
Sep-2023 | A study on research trends and research topics in material science by time series text mining | 鮑, 明山; ばぉ, みんさん |
20-Dec-2023 | Study on residual OH content in low-temperature Si oxide films after in situ post-deposition heating (PDH) | Horita, Susumu; Pu, Di |
Sep-2012 | A study on restoration of bone-conducted speech in noisy environments with LP-based model and Gaussian mixture model | Phung, Nghia Trung; Unoki, Masashi; Akagi, Masato |
2006 | A Study on Restoration of Bone-Conducted Speech with MTF-Based and LP-Based Models | Thang, Tat Vu; Kimura, Kenji; Unoki, Masashi; Akagi, Masato |
Mar-2005 | Study on Roadmapping Process with Integration Methods for Supporting Scientific Research | YAN, Jie; Kobayashi, Toshiya; Nakamori, Yoshiteru |