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検索結果: 3456-3476 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Nov-2007 A New Dimension of Knowledge Visualization for Reconstructing Thinking ProcessLuo, Shuangling; Yoshida, Taketoshi; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
Apr-2005 New dispersed-dot halftoning technique by elimination of unstable pixels for electrophotographySasahara, Shinji; Asano, Tetsuo
18-Aug-2016 A new DOA-based factor graph geolocation technique for detection of unknown radio wave emitter position using the first-order Taylor series approximationAziz, Muhammad Reza Kahar; Anwar, Khoirul; Matsumoto, Tad
15-Jul-2008 A new electrospinning method to control the number and a diameter of uniaxially aligned polymer fibersIshii, Yuya; Sakai, Heisuke; Murata, Hideyuki
2009 New examples of generalized fullerenesDeza, M.; Shtogrin, M. I.
May-2001 New Explicit Conditions of Elliptic Curve Traces for FR-ReductionMIYAJI, Atsuko; NAKABAYASHI, Masaki; TAKANO, Shunzou
Aug-2014 New graph colouring algorithm for resource allocation in large-scale wireless networksAbdullah, Labeeb Mohsin; Baba, Mohd Dani; Ali, Sinan Ghassan Abid; Lim, Azman Osman; Tan, Yasuo
20-Jan-2000 A new hierarchical motion estimation technique for video compressionNatarajan, B.; Horiguchi, S.; Jain, V. K.
17-May-2017 New Insight into the Ground State of FePc: A Diffusion Monte Carlo StudyIchibha, Tom; Hou, Zhufeng; Hongo, Kenta; Maezono, Ryo
22-Jan-2015 New Integrated Long-Term Glimpse of RC4Ito, Ryoma; Miyaji, Atsuko
Mar-2015 A new Interconnection Network that achieves High Performance for Many-Core ProcessorsFAISAL, FAIZ AL
23-Apr-1999 New interconnections for for massively parallel and distributed systemsHoriguchi, Susumu
Mar-2021 A new interpolation algorithm for controlling emotional changes in emotional speech synthesis蔡, 晨禹; さい, しんう
12-Aug-2015 New Linear Correlations Related to State Information of RC4 PRGA Using IV in WPAIto, Ryoma; Miyaji, Atsuko
Nov-2007 A New Linguistic Approach to Go/NoGo Evaluation at the Front End in New Product DevelopmentHuynh, Van-Nam; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
Jul-2012 A new marketing methodology by integrating brain measurement, eye tracking, and questionnaire analysisSuzuki, Yoshihiko; Shirahada, Kunio; Kosaka, Michitaka; Maki, Atsushi
2-Aug-2001 A new network interface with distributed memoryOkuno, Hiroyuki; Inoguchi, Yasushi; Horiguchi, Susumu
Sep-2003 A New Nonblocking Optical Switching System for All-Optical Communication NetworksMd.Mamun-ur-Rashid, Khandker
27-Oct-1990 New Oppotunities in the Changing R&D : Environment of JapanSpeidel, Stefan
19-Jul-2011 A New Practical Key Recovery Attack on the Stream Cipher RC4 under Related-Key ModelChen, Jiageng; Miyaji, Atsuko
1-Feb-2020 New Pseudo-Random Number Generator for EPC Gen2Nomaguchi, Hiroshi; Su, Chunhua; Miyaji, Atsuko
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